
Helen Smith

所谓 关闭周期的仪式 是理想的,把自己从过去发生的一切中解放出来,大胆地接受宇宙的最好的生活。

许多人说,没有比把石板擦干净更好的方式了。 当然,不是所有你想留下的东西都是负面的,也许这就是为什么在家里举行感恩仪式是享受充满好心情的未来的正确方式。

这样,你就能清楚地了解 每个女人在入睡前都应该做的仪式 来照顾你的身体,并在仪式上向过去告别,然后我们告诉你这一切:




与你所爱的人告别是生命中最悲伤的事情之一。 然而,你应该知道,最好的事情是发自内心地对这个人表示感谢。 这些仪式通常是基于在墓地或火化后的葬礼和遗体。 在这个传统中,你可以通过聚会或一个空间来增加一个敬意,在这个空间中每个人都记得你将解放你的灵魂,你会明白这不可避免的一步将是继续战斗的巨大冲动。

See_also: 计算睡眠周期,睡得好,睡得饱


如果那个与你有爱情、亲情或友情关系的人对你付出了代价,现在是时候告诉他/她:"没有用的东西,不要让它妨碍你"。 你可以用类似于用繁荣和爱的蜡烛仪式的技巧,用一根红蜡烛、两根白蜡烛和一张白纸,进行这样的宽恕和忘记的仪式:

  • 在你右边的桌子上放一根白蜡烛,左边放一根白蜡烛,中间放一根红蜡烛。 先点红蜡烛,再点白蜡烛。
  • 拿出一张白纸,写上你想忘记的人的名字;用红蜡烛的火花慢慢烧,重复他们的名字,宣布他们不再是你生活的一部分,你希望继续得到快乐和祝福。


在这个简单的仪式中,你只需要纸板、杂志剪报或照片、胶水、香和蜡烛。 点燃香,同时开始创建你自己的照片或记忆的拼贴画,包括你想留下的人、情况或事情的好坏。 之后,点燃蜡烛,在那里烧掉拼贴画;丢弃灰烬,思考这个人或情况,他们的学习,把它留在你的生活中,最后宽恕。


水元素的神秘感和能量非常强大,所以在海面前举行的仪式非常有效。 这个仪式非常简单,但很有感情:

See_also: 夏奇拉的爱情,激发了她的一些歌曲
  • 面对大海站立,当海浪涌来时,缓慢地深呼吸。 当它退去时,呼气。
  • 想一想你要关闭循环的意图,大声地说出它,然后闭上眼睛。 随意重复它的次数。
  • 现在睁开你的眼睛,凝视着浩瀚的大海,冥想,用你的思想吸引实现你渴望的新生活。


似乎是为了增加民间传说,在拉丁美洲的许多地方都有焚烧 "旧年 "或 "las viudas "的传统。 这些是名人形状的玩偶,穿上服装并附有火药。 在12月31日晚上,他们被带到街上并被点燃,以忘记过去的事情。

你还知道哪些关闭周期的仪式? 请在我们的评论中留言,并记得在社交媒体上与你所有的朋友和家人分享这篇文章。

Helen Smith
Helen Smith
Helen Smith is a seasoned beauty enthusiast and an accomplished blogger known for her expertise in the field of cosmetics and skincare. With over a decade of experience in the beauty industry, Helen possesses an intimate understanding of the latest trends, innovative products, and effective beauty tips.Helen's passion for beauty ignited during her college years when she discovered the transformative power of makeup and skincare routines. Intrigued by the endless possibilities that beauty offers, she decided to pursue a career in the industry. After completing her degree in Cosmetology and receiving international certifications, Helen embarked on a journey that would redefine her life.Throughout her career, Helen has worked with top beauty brands, spas, and renowned makeup artists, immersing herself in various aspects of the industry. Her exposure to diverse cultures and beauty rituals from around the world has broadened her knowledge and expertise, enabling her to curate a unique blend of global beauty tips.As a blogger, Helen's authentic voice and engaging writing style have earned her a dedicated following. Her ability to explain complex skincare routines and makeup techniques in a simple, relatable manner has made her a trusted source of advice for beauty enthusiasts of all levels. From debunking common beauty myths to providing tried-and-true tips for achievingglowing skin or mastering the perfect winged eyeliner, Helen's blog is a treasure trove of invaluable information.Passionate about promoting inclusivity and embracing natural beauty, Helen strives to ensure her blog caters to diverse audiences. She believes that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin, regardless of age, gender, or societal standards.When not writing or testing the latest beauty products, Helen can be found attending beauty conferences, collaborating with fellow industry experts, or traveling the world to discover unique beauty secrets. Through her blog, she aims to empower her readers to feel their best, armed with the knowledge and tools to enhance their natural beauty.With Helen's expertise and unwavering commitment to helping others look and feel their best, her blog serves as a go-to resource for all beauty enthusiasts seeking reliable advice and unparalleled tips.