还记得《熊出没》中的孩子吗? 看看他们现在的样子。

还记得《熊出没》中的孩子吗? 看看他们现在的样子。
Helen Smith

朱曼吉 这部电影有两个版本。 第一部电影在1995年上映,第二部在2017年上映。 今天,我们要记住C 帽子是J的孩子 umanji 的1995年版本 .


Allan Parrish

他是由演员亚当-汉伯德扮演的。 他是整个冒险的开始者,在他父亲的鞋厂附近发现了这个游戏。 之后。 Jumanji、 1997年在该片中工作: 冰风暴 1998年,他参演了 万圣节:H20 他于2004年毕业,获得心理学学位,目前是 正在从事电视编剧的工作 .


她由劳拉-贝尔-邦迪扮演,是艾伦-帕里什的柏拉图式的爱情。 她目前是一个非常受欢迎的女演员。 百老汇剧院著名的音乐剧女演员 .

See_also: 软弱的男孩:他们看起来像什么和他们的共同特征

See_also: 如何服用无味明胶来减肥? 非常简单


他由演员布拉德利-皮尔斯扮演。 在 朱曼吉 成为作弊的猴童。 之后 朱曼吉 他演过几部电视剧,出演过几部电影,也做过配音,目前 在洛杉矶的一家酒吧工作 作为一名服务员,他已经结婚并有3个孩子。


这个角色由女演员克尔斯滕-邓斯特(Kirsten Dunst)扮演。 她是四个人中唯一一个继续她的演艺事业的人。 她凭借着电影《大话西游》获得了戛纳电影节的最佳女主角奖。 拉斯-范-特里尔 它今天仍然活跃,并且 在2019年,我们将看到她在一个名为 奇怪的城市 .


Helen Smith
Helen Smith
Helen Smith is a seasoned beauty enthusiast and an accomplished blogger known for her expertise in the field of cosmetics and skincare. With over a decade of experience in the beauty industry, Helen possesses an intimate understanding of the latest trends, innovative products, and effective beauty tips.Helen's passion for beauty ignited during her college years when she discovered the transformative power of makeup and skincare routines. Intrigued by the endless possibilities that beauty offers, she decided to pursue a career in the industry. After completing her degree in Cosmetology and receiving international certifications, Helen embarked on a journey that would redefine her life.Throughout her career, Helen has worked with top beauty brands, spas, and renowned makeup artists, immersing herself in various aspects of the industry. Her exposure to diverse cultures and beauty rituals from around the world has broadened her knowledge and expertise, enabling her to curate a unique blend of global beauty tips.As a blogger, Helen's authentic voice and engaging writing style have earned her a dedicated following. Her ability to explain complex skincare routines and makeup techniques in a simple, relatable manner has made her a trusted source of advice for beauty enthusiasts of all levels. From debunking common beauty myths to providing tried-and-true tips for achievingglowing skin or mastering the perfect winged eyeliner, Helen's blog is a treasure trove of invaluable information.Passionate about promoting inclusivity and embracing natural beauty, Helen strives to ensure her blog caters to diverse audiences. She believes that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin, regardless of age, gender, or societal standards.When not writing or testing the latest beauty products, Helen can be found attending beauty conferences, collaborating with fellow industry experts, or traveling the world to discover unique beauty secrets. Through her blog, she aims to empower her readers to feel their best, armed with the knowledge and tools to enhance their natural beauty.With Helen's expertise and unwavering commitment to helping others look and feel their best, her blog serves as a go-to resource for all beauty enthusiasts seeking reliable advice and unparalleled tips.