
Helen Smith



比基尼无疑是有史以来最热门的服装之一,因此,我们决定对比基尼进行一次调查。 10位哥伦比亚名人在其社交网络上穿上了它 你最喜欢哪一个?

巅峰之作 10条最热的比基尼

前十名。 Margarita Rosa de Francisco 穿上这套可爱的比基尼,展示完美的身材。

前9名。 不管你恨不恨她,我们都不能漏掉一直有争议的 埃斯佩兰萨-戈麦斯 ...

TOP8.即使我们已被钉在十字架上 萨拉-科拉莱斯 对于她与一个已订婚的男人的婚外情,我们不能否认她知道如何穿比基尼好看......

前7名。 我们永远不会厌倦来自的比基尼。 薇妮莎-佩雷斯(Vaneza Pelaez) ...

前6名。 纳塔利娅-巴黎 将永远在任何比基尼上衣中占有一席之地,保证你的位置!


  • 卡罗莱纳-克鲁兹和劳拉-阿库尼亚:比基尼大战!?
  • 胖女孩不能穿比基尼?
  • 肯达尔和凯莉-詹娜的比基尼引起网上轰动

前五名。 在这份名单中,不能不提的是美丽的 Daniela Ospina ...

前四名。 的腹部如何? Catalina Aristizabal ? 这值得穿上比基尼....

前三名:杰西卡-塞迪尔 她有一个壮观的身体,她自豪地炫耀......

前2名。 可怜的家伙 Ariadna Gutiérrez 天生的 "第二",她在这个最高级别的比赛中取得了第二名。

See_also: 梦见扁豆,生活中的美好和正常的时光!

TOP1.保利娜-维加 在这次火爆的比基尼评选中,她无疑占据了头把交椅,她成为环球小姐是有原因的!

你是否同意我们选择的顺序,或者你会改变它? 或写信给我们,如果我们遗漏了一个...

振动也与:Vaneza Peláez在比基尼与袖子...如何?

在我们展示的所有比基尼中,哪一件是最热的? 在本文的评论中写下哪个哥伦比亚名人赢得了比基尼大奖。

Marbelle穿比基尼好看吗? #VibraEnLMañanas @EseTonito @soydavidrc @maxmilfort @MariaTBarreto //t.co/HLtmGJqdxd pic.twitter.com/roCcp4RRA

- 你的心 Viiiiibra(@Vibra1049) 2017年4月20日

See_also: 如何与一个花心的男人相爱,没那么容易!

Helen Smith
Helen Smith
Helen Smith is a seasoned beauty enthusiast and an accomplished blogger known for her expertise in the field of cosmetics and skincare. With over a decade of experience in the beauty industry, Helen possesses an intimate understanding of the latest trends, innovative products, and effective beauty tips.Helen's passion for beauty ignited during her college years when she discovered the transformative power of makeup and skincare routines. Intrigued by the endless possibilities that beauty offers, she decided to pursue a career in the industry. After completing her degree in Cosmetology and receiving international certifications, Helen embarked on a journey that would redefine her life.Throughout her career, Helen has worked with top beauty brands, spas, and renowned makeup artists, immersing herself in various aspects of the industry. Her exposure to diverse cultures and beauty rituals from around the world has broadened her knowledge and expertise, enabling her to curate a unique blend of global beauty tips.As a blogger, Helen's authentic voice and engaging writing style have earned her a dedicated following. Her ability to explain complex skincare routines and makeup techniques in a simple, relatable manner has made her a trusted source of advice for beauty enthusiasts of all levels. From debunking common beauty myths to providing tried-and-true tips for achievingglowing skin or mastering the perfect winged eyeliner, Helen's blog is a treasure trove of invaluable information.Passionate about promoting inclusivity and embracing natural beauty, Helen strives to ensure her blog caters to diverse audiences. She believes that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin, regardless of age, gender, or societal standards.When not writing or testing the latest beauty products, Helen can be found attending beauty conferences, collaborating with fellow industry experts, or traveling the world to discover unique beauty secrets. Through her blog, she aims to empower her readers to feel their best, armed with the knowledge and tools to enhance their natural beauty.With Helen's expertise and unwavering commitment to helping others look and feel their best, her blog serves as a go-to resource for all beauty enthusiasts seeking reliable advice and unparalleled tips.